Annotation Type AutoMocked

public @interface AutoMocked

This annotation signals that the annotated type is subject to Automocking. Developers should use this documentation level annotation to state that the type is subject to Automocking and thus available in one or more Spring application contexts associated with a testing framework. It should also detail the name of the exposed Spring bean as a result of Automocking. This will be useful when dealing with some of the implicit mock resolving strategies such as the InterfaceOnlyPatternMatchingMockResolver where it is not imediately obvious as to where the injected Mock or indeed proxy is registered with Spring. For instance if you are using the AutoMock framework with the DefaultProxyMockNameResolver then your mockName attribute will typically be 'mock[Type]' where [Type] is replaced with the class name of the Type this annotation targets. For an example @see SimpleTestService


Required Element Summary
 String mockName

Element Detail


public abstract String mockName

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